
Our company is, first and foremost, our employees: highly motivated, skilled and autonomous, they form the foundation of our services – they foster a culture of proactiveness, a solution-oriented mindset and a flexibility in their thinking and their actions that never fails to amaze even our longstanding clients.

Never stop learning – anywhere, anytime.

mst group GmbH is a mid-sized provider of advanced education and training services with its headquarters in Munich. Established in 2009, we now employ around 140 people at 13 additional locations: Dingolfing, Regensburg, Reutlingen, Brühl/Cologne, Leipzig, Berlin, Salzburg (AT), Dielsdorf/Zurich (CH), Debreczen (HUN), Greenville (USA), Mexico City (MX), Birmingham (UK) and Shanghai (China). 

Our service portfolio, which we constantly adjust to the needs of both market and customers, encompasses business services for training, learning, production and digitalisation. The expertise we have acquired is evident from the confidence that some of Germany's biggest brands have placed in us for many years now. 


Market Leader for MTS



team players






mst group believes in the highest standards and regulations of quality assurance, data protection and cyber-security. Everything we do to achieve this can, of course, only be confirmed by external sources. That’s why we ensure we are regularly evaluated and (re)certified - in 2013, 2015, 2016, 2019 or 2021. 

ISO 9001

In recognition of our high standards, the mst group has been certified by the German Association for Quality Assurance and Certification for SMEs (Verein zur Qualitätssicherung und Zertifizierung für den Mittelstand e.V.) (QZV) in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001: 2015 in 2013, 2016, 2019 and again in early 2022. 


TISAX is the most important certificate for automotive service providers – which is why we are certified in TISAX Level 2 since March 2022.
See results (registered participants):
Participant ID: mst group GmbH (PTF7H5)
Scope ID: ST6XCX
Assessment ID: AX9V5R-1

ISO 27001

Damit wir für Anfragen aus allen Branchen vollumfänglich qualitätsgeprüft sind, arbeiten wir an der Umsetzung der ISO 27001 Zertifizierung und planen, diese Ende des Jahres 2024 abgeschlossen zu haben. 

Darum mst


Peak performance

mst takes care of the entire organisation, implementation and administration of training courses and continued professional development, primarily for large corporations and corporate clients – a high process volume business which requires a large amount of precision and customer orientation on the part of the employees (seminar managers). Our clients particularly appreciate the following aspects of mst:
  • Quick & discreet take-over of large training portfolios
  • Automation of complex logistical processes
  • Unbeatable network of suppliers


A fundamental approach of continuous improvement and innovation is required to successfully compete in such a process-oriented and detail-driven business. Therefore, we pursue change and adaptation for an even higher level of quality – offering clear benefits to our customers:
  • Workflows optimised down to the last detail
  • Highly flexible modular pricing system
  • An average of up to 30% in savings


Thanks to our diverse expertise, we are always incorporating new software products and customer technologies, and we know all the leading learning management systems like the backs of our hands. We are experts in backend, frontend, server, database and programming languages – allowing us to quickly and efficiently familiarise our customers with a new LMS. Or even take over the support completely.
  • Many years of administration expertise in customer systems
  • Knowledge of all standard LMS systems
  • Plug-and-play mentality


Die Welt hat sich für Lernende nicht erst seit Corona massiv verändert – hin zu mehr eigenständigem, selbstgesteuertem, formatvariablem, individualisiertem Lernen, ob via Social Media, on-the-fly oder in Form von kleinen Lern-Nuggets. Lernen findet nicht mehr isoliert, sondern immer und überall statt. Wir reagieren darauf mit passenden Tools, intensiver Beobachtung und aktiver Suche nach Lerninnovationen, die unser Kerngeschäft bereichern – wie zum Beispiel: 
  • Best-in-class e-learning tools
  • Avatar-based 3D learning and meeting worlds
  • An outstanding level of experience and results


Understanding the communication and culture of major corporations very quickly – and thus being able to take over training and learning discreetly – is what sets us apart. Particularly in the face of reduced budgets, limited resources and an increasing wealth of learning content in an ever-faster changing world. With us at your side as a flexible and fast-acting partner, you can count on us for:
  • International rollouts in 8 to 12 weeks
  • Ready-to-go start-ups directly on site
  • Availability nearly everywhere in the world

not just letterboxes.

Und mst wächst als Marke weiter – Richtung Europa und der Welt.

München, DE (HQ)
Am Münchfeld 59
80999 München
+49 (89) 550 514-50

Leipzig, Germany
Dohnanyistraße 28/30
04103 Leipzig
+49 (341) 39 28 57 55